Saturday, May 22, 2010

Do you really believe the Secret to Success is "Giving"?

Today, I want to write a review about the book, "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg and John David Mann, which has left quite an Impact on me. I started to believe this after I learn't this from my Mentor and other successful people and I started to see the results myself when I applied it. Well this book, gives a crystal clear explanation in very simplistic language in the form of a story.

Let us jump right into the book, This is the story of an ambitious young sales man named Joe, Joe is a Go-Getter(in the traditional sense), but lately he found that the more he tried and harder he worked, success seemed to elude him. He is nearing his 3rd Quarter and he is going to miss his Sales target. Now, being desperate to Land a big sale, Joe was disappointed and dejected, he hears about this Legendary and Enigmatic Consultant, Pindar who is fondly called as "Chairman" by all his Fans and devotees and decides to meet him for help.

Joe, seeks the help of Pindar, this is where the whole crux of the story unfolds. Bob Burg and John, explains the Laws of Success to Joe through Pindar. It was totally contradictory to Joe's belief system.

Pindar, explained to Joe, "most of us have our focus backwards in business, the primary objective in Business should not be to make Money, and if you follow the 5 Five Immutable Laws of Stratospheric success, money will automatically flow in as a by product. "
Pindar, continued, "you cannot expect the Fire Place to give you warmth first before you feed in the logs, but still we forget this basic Law of Nature and focus our energy in the wrong direction. We cannot go in two directions all at once."

Pindar, explains the 5 Immutable Laws of Success to Joe, through several characters in the book the Go-Givers:

a restaurateur , a CEO,
a financial advisor,
a real estate broker, and the "Connector", who brought them all together.

Joe, started to learn the fact that it is by giving, putting others interests first and by constantly adding value to others is the only proven road to Long lasting Wealth and Success.

The Five Laws of Success.

1. Law of Value

"Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment"

2. Law of Compensation

"Your Income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them"

3. Law of Influence

"Your Influence is determined by
how abundantly you place
other people's interests first"

4. Law of Authenticity

"The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself"

5. Law of Receptivity

"The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving"
Also, Pindar places a condition, Joe has to apply each Law before the end of the day after he learns it, missing it would stop his access to Pindar immediately.

Joe somehow manages to apply each of these Laws in his own life, and after meeting each character in the story, Joe gets that Self Realization and gradually understands the Power of these Laws of Success.

This is a beautifully and interestingly narrated story with in-valuable content. Every one can benefit from this. This is one of the best books I ever read. I highly recommend this.


  1. Hi Suresh,

    Thanks so much for your wonderful little review of our book — very heartfelt, and quite an honor. And congratulations on your successful adventures in America -- quite a journey from that moment in O'Hare in the dead of winter more than a decade ago! What an inspirational story. — John

  2. Hi Suresh,

    Wow, very nice review indeed of John's and my book. Thank you very much. And, I agree with John; you deserve a great deal of credit for going after your dream and making it happen, my friend. Way to go!!


  3. Thank you John and Bob. Wow, this is Unbelievable. The 2 real Heroes of this book commenting on my blog. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

    Quite frankly, you guys have power packed the book with so much Wisdom. Some books would contain some parts of it that would be really meaningful but this one, gives a feeling of accomplishment as we read through the book and feel Joe's character.

  4. Nice Blog! I wish America treats me the same way :)
