In this Post I have Covered the Most Common Top 8 Mistakes Hiring Managers Make, while trying to Find a Hire to Solve all their Problems. Reality is, most of the times it ends up in a Bad Hire Costing Lot of Money, Time, Frustration, Missing deadlines and Lots and Lots of Stress, rather If we spend some time in Planning and Preparing for the Interview aligned towards the need you have, It can Prove to be Invaluable. Here are the Top 8 Mistakes:
1. Being overly influenced by advanced degrees. Candidates with plenty of letters after their names have certainly worked hard to earn their degrees. But there is no substitute for real-world business experience, and people often make the mistake of overlooking candidates with track records but not degrees. Note: this does not apply, however, to specialized fields that require advanced degrees.
2. Not having a long-range plan. Hiring someone to fill a current need can help you through a busy time. However, unless you're hiring someone on a temporary basis, you need a long-range plan for that employee beyond your immediate need, including how you plan to develop him or her, and how he or she fits in with your company's long-range plans.
3. Making promises you cannot keep. It can be a very costly mistake to make promises that are not well thought out. Know ahead of time what you can and cannot offer a prospective employee.
4. Hiring someone for all the wrong reasons. Unfortunately, this is a common mistake. Whether you're doing your cousin a favor or are impressed by the way someone looks or talks, hiring should not be done for the wrong reasons. Your focus should always be on the best candidate for the job.
5. Not conducting a good interview. Conducting a good hiring interview is a skill that many people do not possess. It's important to ask the right questions to determine whether a candidate is right for the position and fits into your company. For more information.
6. Not looking for a good fit. In most businesses there needs to be a rapport among employees. If you hire someone who does not fit in with the team's chemistry, you may find yourself with unnecessary problems.
7. Not being prepared. You can easily make a hiring mistake when you're not prepared for the interview and hiring process. Know the questions you want to ask and the type of employee you're looking for. Also be ready to explain the position and answer questions about the company.
8. Expecting way too much. A common problem these days is looking for one person to save a sinking ship. An unrealistic, lengthy list of qualifications and background requirements — as frequently seen in employment ads — creates a situation where you settle for someone whom you think can do a little of everything, but does not excel in the key areas. Narrow your focus to the most important aspects of the position.
References from :Human Resources